Tag Archives: Revelations

Free PDF File for Distribution

I’ve written a short PDF report called Love is in the Air. It’s perfect for Valentines Day.  You can get the complete PDF file here.

It’s about Finding Love and Letting it in. I’m so passionate about this subject that I’m encouraging you to download this report and pass it along to anyone you think needs love in their life.

You can use it on your own blog, your own website if you want, but please remember that it is copyrighted so changing any content is prohibited.

Get the Love is in the Air – FREE

New Year’s Intentions

As I look back at 2010 with my preverbal 20/20 vision, I see a year that for all appearances may have exuded chaos and confusion. We have watched as many of the institutions held dear, shimmied and shook and some even collapsed. 

In addition, many have experienced personal challenges that they initially found insurmountable.   However, what we have also seen, is the human spirit rise to the forefront and thousands found within them, new strengths, opportunities and creative juices that rooted and took flight.

Many of these personal revelations wouldn’t have ordinarily had an occasion to surface had they not been stimulated by the catalysts demanding it.  The old adage,   ……is the mother of invention, has taken on new meaning as we have embraced these new demands.  

In an essence, 2010 has been a year of ‘laboring’  a powerful  ‘becoming’, in preparation for the rebirth that is upon us now for 2011 and 2012.

2011 is said to be a year of preparation for the consciousness shifts expected in 2012, and certainly everything we have seen, points to that phenomenal occurrence.  What then does it demand of us and how can we best prepare for these shifts to come?  

My 1st suggestion is that we do an inner inspection and determine what no longer serves us and needs to be left behind, sending it off in gratitude. These can be traditions, relationships, belief systems, memories, in essence, anything no longer ‘working for us’.

One of these immediate changes concerns the tradition of making New Years resolutions. This tradition in my opinion, has hindered us rather than help us! My suggestion instead, is rather than a New Years resolution, we begin this New Year with a clarity, and setting of intention!  Exactly what is the difference?  Energetically, they are worlds apart!

A resolution is often based upon looking back and the notion that you have somehow fallen short of a certain previously determined expectation.  That sense of falling short, often is accompanied by the energies of guilt, not being good enough, not being competent, not measuring up, disappointment for self and others, etc., etc. 

These energies have a density and a sluggish frequency which one could liken to attempting to pedal backwards with a disengaged chain on our bicycle and expect it to heave us forward at the same time!  It’s just not going to work.  

 In actuality, we then enter into our New Year with a sense that we are failures.  This energy serves NO ONE!!!!!  This is why so often, people describe being right back into previous patterns, soon after the New Year arrives.  The energy carried with them from the past is not only permeating their present energy field, but is being perpetuated as they focus on their ‘failures’ and continue to attempt to right them.

Intentions on the other hand, are based on the power of the present, are used to create our future and catapult forward as they are free of any density from the past.

They are born of clear, fresh,  desires of the heart and are fueled each and every time that we focus only on what we want to create and experience and take the actions that are in alignment with that goal.

They are attached to what brings us joy, excitement, fulfillment and contentment. Our intentions, get wings and take flight as we envision ourselves, our loved ones, and our situations coming into alignment with the natural sense of freedom and abundance that is our very nature.

So this New Years, and the weeks ahead, remind yourself to bless your past…thank it for all it has taught you, for the opportunities it provided for you to grow, learn  and expand your awareness. Thank it for how it has finely polished you into a better version of you in a way you could never have imagined previously.  Thank it for all of the people who came into and out of your life to help you accomplish that mission of growth that is so important to revealing your soul’s purpose. Remind yourself that there is perfection in all of it and celebrate its manifestations, regardless of how they have appeared or are appearing now.  Remind yourself that all of life and its coming s and goings are temporary and simply let you off at the next stop until you are ready to ‘board a new bus’ and take a new ride!

Set your intentions, readdress them as time goes on and determine if your actions are in alignment with them or even if they still ‘feel good’ and continue to serve your highest good and desires.

Practice visualizing your desires and breathe life into them seeing them already being in your life and practice feeling how fabulous they are and how happy you are with these changes!

Put into place the systems and support systems for getting you from point A to point B and every point thereafter fostering your success.

Above all, strive to remain in the ‘now’ so that you will have all of the energy needed for your successful manifestations completely accessible to you at all times.  

These actions are the greatest gifts of ‘self love’ that you can give and when you do, the impact on your CELLpH, will result in great health, happiness, joy and freedom that will make your heart sing and the entire universe lay itself at your feet.

How’s that for a powerful New Years intention?